Monday, December 7, 2020

Doing something inefficiently is still doing the thing.


Starfish Time: My friend (Irreverent Rhyme) told me about this. Starfish were thought to be relatively inactive, until someone started filming them in time-lapse, and then it turned out that they were traveling and foraging and even fighting -- just  v e e e r y   s l o w l y . . . 

This blog post has been sitting in draft form for weeks, if that gives you an idea of why I liked this notion. Starfish *do* get things done, but on their own schedules.

Well, I am a little restless about my own lack of momentum, so I did register for an online writing workshop for Jan.-Feb. I will benefit from having deadlines and accountability, as well as the feedback and literary interaction.

I might start using this blog as a place to play with smaller pieces of the memoir project, but I also might not. I am not sure what its uses are for me, yet.

The pandemic is worse in the U.S. than ever, thanks to rampant antiintellectualism and the amoral conmen in power. Vaccines probably won't be available for us nonessential folks until May or June. I'm practicing my socially distanced yoga, making tiny starfish steps in my writing projects, and trying to grow herbs indoors. Basil and thyme are happy; mint and parsley, nonplussed; cilantro might end up being a waste of coriander seeds, but it's fun to watch the tiny sprouts struggle up from their bit of earth.

Quote of the Day: From one of the Yoga Heights classes on youtube... 

"You're not here to punish yourself, you're here to explore how to open your body, and that tends to happen easier when you're nice to it." -- Becky Paris

(Or as my therapist used to say -- "Don't beat yourself up; that's your Domme's job.")

Monday, October 26, 2020

Vote, but also Plan

So now it's pandemic autumn in these fucked-up, disunited states. Voting is underway, and I hope anyone reading this has already voted to throw out the incredibly corrupt, misogynistic, racist, anti-environment, antidemocratic, disgusting, criminal TrumpPence administration. Yeah!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Phased Dread

A lone car was paused at the merge point where they should have been speeding up to join Interstate 95, in the tangle of Baltimore on-ramps just north of the tunnel. They had stopped because a pair of Canada geese were walking across the highway.

That was my first trip out of town during the pandemic, in April.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Vanquishing Little Monsters

Content Note: discusses exercise, covid stress, and bug extermination.

I killed a monster! It was an epic battle. Yesterday morning I came downstairs, opened the top of my coffeemaker, and a live cockroach was perched on the rim of the water reservoir. When I pursued the fiendish beast, it hid inside and clung to the plastic wall – sheltering in place even as I vigorously shook the whole coffee machine upside-down. I eventually dislodged the little monster with a spoon and crushed its horrible prehistoric body with a paper towel.

Then I cleaned EVERYTHING.

This should be good for my stress level.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

getting creative while staying in

Pet Space (2018)

This year's Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit is cancelled. It was set for early August, but as they wisely point out:

"There is no way to know where we’ll be as a nation in August. But what we do know is that for many Summit attendees, a week, even a day, without income is often catastrophic. People will have used up personal time from work, and some will have had to shelter in place with no income at all. Already negatively impacted by FOSTA, many sex workers are now without any income or access to community resources. Our ability to fundraise for much-needed scholarships is limited right now, as our communities give their time, talents, and treasures to mutual aid in this crisis. Given the circumstances, the individuals who will benefit the most from the Summit programming will be least likely to be able to attend."
(Ricci Joy Levy, President/CEO, Woodhull Foundation

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Dexys Midlife Bummers

At age 51, I have started taking speed. Adderall XR, prescribed for my ADHD (combined, but mostly the inattentive type, what used to be called ADD).
Just before going on the meds, I was anxious and unhappy. I was scared about what they might do if they didn’t work for me – I have a family member with bipolar disorder/what if the speed triggered a manic episode in me? And I was glum about what it means if they DO work – that I should have been on them years, decades ago – all that time I wasted, failing to get my shit together to do the things (write the books) I wanted to.

I was on kind of a shitty roller-coaster ride this week, and I hate roller-coasters.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

My blog post is late because I wanted to write about the Strange Adult Hotel Event, and it's a very big topic for me & I have no idea how to begin, especially if some of my hypothetical readers have never heard anything about such SAHEs at all. So, it is still brewing.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

DirtySober + Title TK (or, What About the BOOK?)

Hey, weren't you writing a memoir?

Yes! A memoir about getting sober without AA, and finding my way as a kinky feminist, and becoming openly polyamorous without losing my monogamous partner. Not in that order... the narratives intertwine.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Off Week: Mocktails and Dreams

...and the bloodroots grew insolent in their chromatic perversion...

I'm planning biweekly bloggerel, but last night I had a drinking dream, and also I have a new favorite mocktail:

The Subtlety
Glass of ice
Fill halfway with grapefruit juice
Add several dashes of (Fee Bros. NA) rhubarb bitters
Top with tonic water.

My current supply is pink grapefruit juice, which might partly explain my dreaming a weird fuschia* mango drink and a tipsy friend who was trying to get me to share it. Good Dream Girl: I took one sip and could taste the booze immediately, and set it down. (Then I tried to convince mr.d to drink it, even though it was a disgusting sweet "girly" drink... But at least Dream-Me stopped drinking it!)

*The Color Out Of Space! I enjoyed the new Nic Cage movie based on the Lovecraft story, but I was a tiny bit disappointed that the indescribable alien color was, pretty much, fuschia. They did play around with trippy tertiary tints and it was a fun watch overall, but I don't know, I wanted my eyes to hurt?

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Romantic Polyamory (Death Is Elsewhere)

Recently I was having coffee with one of my oldest friends. We don’t see each other that often, but she’s known me for almost 30 years -- since before mr.d and I were a couple. Over a delicious dark roast in her chic apartment, I caught her up on the poly news: not only have I had at least one other partner for the past, um, 12 years, but for about 6 months now, mr.d has also had another partner. They are long-distance, but they’ve been getting together every month, and they text every day, and it’s all very sweet and delightful. I told her about the poly word “compersion”...

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Saturday, January 4, 2020

dodo 2020 -- The Consolation

...A special freak among my beloved freaks...

I've been sober since 2013, and polyamorous for longer than that. This New Year's Eve was the first gathering where I had both of my partners as well as my lovely new metamour all in one place, all openly being us, with a group of friends who like and accept us. It was awesome.

I was also the only sober person at the gathering. (We had some guests who drink only lightly, and/or who prefer the attentions of the locally legalized herb.) My darling was the designated bartender & did keep me in delicious mocktails. We kissed at midnight and there were fireworks and everything went swimmingly. Here are my mocktail recipes and the other tactics I used:

  • The Consolation: fresh mint leaves, muddled. Then add grapefruit and lime juices, opt. grapefruit bitters, and top with ice and tonic water.
  • Ginger beer (I like Gosling's) with rhubarb bitters, or with a dash of lime/lemon and grapefruit bitters. The Fee Bros. bitters are non-alcoholic, even though they technically have to list alcohol on their labels because some of the ingredients are tinctured before they are made into bitters. (In the past I have quizzed them about this at some length over email. Thank you Fee Bros. customer support!)
  • PJ <3: I texted a sober comrade. I had made a list a few days before the party, and although I have several extra-wonderful friends who sometimes abstain in solidarity and support, I don't have any actual sober friends in my actual city. I reached out online, and PJ responded with warm supportive texts and willingness to have me text her in the moment if things got sucky. I ended up being OK at the party and just texted her the next day to thank her; just having her out there, willing to listen and cheer me on, was really helpful.
  • So much sugar! I tried all the cookies. My friend who brought boozy cake warned me before she even unwrapped it, so I did not have any inadvertent boozy cake moments. I did get into the peppermint bark, and I felt dehydrated when I woke up -- despite neither imbibing nor smoking anything -- just from all the sugar! That is OK.
Clearly, my New Year's Resolution is to form some sober friendships in my actual town. And to keep kissing all the people and eating all the cookies. Also, I have been bingeing the Dildorks podcast and Tina Horn's Why Are People Into That?! and remembering how much fun I had at the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit in 2018, so I'm starting up this blog in renewed earnest & will be making serious plans for Woodhull in August.

(I am thinking about how to throw a sober meetup at Woodhull, so ping me if you're into that! I sent them an email but I'm sure they are not thinking about all that quite yet. It's not until August. Tickets aren't on sale yet. But I am going! Watch this space. I'll also start using my @dirty_sober twitter account to alert folks to new posts and anything related to this blog or the memoir project.)