Saturday, February 29, 2020

My blog post is late because I wanted to write about the Strange Adult Hotel Event, and it's a very big topic for me & I have no idea how to begin, especially if some of my hypothetical readers have never heard anything about such SAHEs at all. So, it is still brewing.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

DirtySober + Title TK (or, What About the BOOK?)

Hey, weren't you writing a memoir?

Yes! A memoir about getting sober without AA, and finding my way as a kinky feminist, and becoming openly polyamorous without losing my monogamous partner. Not in that order... the narratives intertwine.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Off Week: Mocktails and Dreams

...and the bloodroots grew insolent in their chromatic perversion...

I'm planning biweekly bloggerel, but last night I had a drinking dream, and also I have a new favorite mocktail:

The Subtlety
Glass of ice
Fill halfway with grapefruit juice
Add several dashes of (Fee Bros. NA) rhubarb bitters
Top with tonic water.

My current supply is pink grapefruit juice, which might partly explain my dreaming a weird fuschia* mango drink and a tipsy friend who was trying to get me to share it. Good Dream Girl: I took one sip and could taste the booze immediately, and set it down. (Then I tried to convince mr.d to drink it, even though it was a disgusting sweet "girly" drink... But at least Dream-Me stopped drinking it!)

*The Color Out Of Space! I enjoyed the new Nic Cage movie based on the Lovecraft story, but I was a tiny bit disappointed that the indescribable alien color was, pretty much, fuschia. They did play around with trippy tertiary tints and it was a fun watch overall, but I don't know, I wanted my eyes to hurt?

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Romantic Polyamory (Death Is Elsewhere)

Recently I was having coffee with one of my oldest friends. We don’t see each other that often, but she’s known me for almost 30 years -- since before mr.d and I were a couple. Over a delicious dark roast in her chic apartment, I caught her up on the poly news: not only have I had at least one other partner for the past, um, 12 years, but for about 6 months now, mr.d has also had another partner. They are long-distance, but they’ve been getting together every month, and they text every day, and it’s all very sweet and delightful. I told her about the poly word “compersion”...